Posted on Jul 21

Exploring Software Testing: What You Need to Know


You’ve probably heard the word “software testing” many times, especially if you’re in tech space. Tech companies constantly seek QA testers before their big reveal or product launch. This article is for you either you want software testing knowledge or go into software testing.

Software Testing is an important part of product development and any company would be risking a lot if they neglect it. Keep reading to find what you need to know about Software Testing and its relevance in the workplace.

What is Software Testing? Types and Tools

Software Testing is the process of checking and validating the quality, functionality, and performance of software products. Software testers evaluate the software application to identify and remove all possible bugs by preparing and executing test cases. They are trained to find bugs and optimize web applications or software performance.

Software Testing is the second to the last step in product or software development. It will determine the validity of the product and how satisfied end users will be.

There are different types of software testing and here are some of the most popular ones;

  1. Functional Testing: This involves testing the behaviour of the software. It assesses specific features of the program and verifies their functionality with some specified set of instructions.
  2. White-Box Testing: not all testing focuses mainly on the performance of web applications. White Box Testing is mostly around code structures and how internal features of web applications are optimized. This type of testing helps eliminate code inefficiencies and bad code practices by testing the code without execution.
  3. Black-Box Testing: Unlike white-box testing, black-box does not need the internal structure knowledge of the product or software to be run. The tester also has little information on how the product or software is built. Testers will need to use the product just the way end users would. 
  4. Grey-Box Testing: This is a more comprehensive approach to software testing as it combines elements in white and black box testing. The tester only has partial knowledge about the software or product while using the product as an end user. The process helps developers identify bugs that end users do not know of. 
  5. Code Review: Codes should be assessed from time to time to ensure they meet up with the company’s coding standard. If any new code needs to be added or if existing code needs to be modified, it should follow the set coding standard. This is where code review comes in.
  6. Usability Testing: this type of testing helps assess the ease of use of the product or software. It tests how easily end-users find the product. This testing is done by using the product as an end-user.
  7. Regression Testing: Companies pay good attention to regression testing. Here, the program is retested when a new set of code is added to the old program. This ensures that the change has no adverse effect on old functions. It also verifies that updates to the program don’t adversely affect existing functionalities.
  8. Security Testing: Security testing assesses the resilience of the software to prevent possible security breaches. This aspect helps safeguard sensitive and user data. 

Testers can either approach software testing manually by using automated tools or through both for the best results. Factors like your budget and product requirements would determine the type of tools you can use for your software testing. 

Importance, Relevance of Software Testing in Today’s Workplace

Many think software testing is not as needed as it is being paraded in the modern world. This is because developers have already done a great job building high-end software from scratch to finish so why is another process of testing needed? 

Well, developers are humans and humans are prone to errors. As a result, the software should be tested to see if it is as formidable and highly secure as it should be. 

From the debugging-oriented era to the prevention era, software testing has evolved to be indispensable in software or product development. This proves that software testing is useful and can be trusted in the modern workplace.

Gaining Software Testing Skills: Resources

Like most skills, software testing will require that you get hands-on experience but if you are one of those who are just getting started, here are some online resources that can help you get basic software testing skills;

You can also volunteer to work on projects or intern in some tech companies looking to give newbies a chance so you can get real-world experiences. There are online testing communities and open-source projects that you may want to be a part of to sharpen your skills. 

Ensure to keep improving and learning new frameworks to stay up to date.

Remote Work Opportunities and Prospects for Software Testing

What is the use of gaining software testing skills without having opportunities to earn with them? Check remote job opportunities and prospects for software testing;

We hope you get the best opportunities to use your skills as a software tester. 

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