FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Some payments/transactions takes time to be approved/verified by our payment provider.
Your subscription will automatically approved once the payment is verified and access will be granted.
This usually takes 2 business hours and up to 48 hours in some rare cases.
Some mobile money payments or bank transfers may experience some technical issues that delay automatic approval of payment. If you paid and don't have access after 24 hours, contact us with a screenshot of your payment confirmation message and date of payment
When you're not able to login to your account, usually, the issue is wrong password or email or both.
For wrong password you can reset your password by clicking Forgot Password and enter your email. Crosscheck to ensure your email is correct and is the same email you used in creating your account.
If you're having issues receiving OTP code to verify your account, check your spam/junk box in your email provider. Sometimes, the email delivery is delayed a bit or goes to spam/junk folder. If don't receive the OTP code after a while even after checking your spam/junk folder you can contact us
If you don't want to renew your subscription, you can follow the steps below to cancel your subscription.

  1. Go to https://remote4africa.com/account/subscriptions (You will be prompted to login if you're not already logged in)
  2. Click on Cancel button to cancel.

Note, when you cancel, your current subscription will remain active until end of the subscription period, but you won't be auto renewed.

There is no definite timeframe. For some people, it might take few weeks and others several months.

We advise the following:

  1. Continue to improve on your application (application letter / cover letter, interview prep)
  2. Learn new skills needed in your chosen field or improve on the skills you already have
  3. Apply to as many relevant jobs as possible.
  4. Always keep your CV up to date

Note: We are not involved in the selection/hiring process of organizations whose jobs we list.
We are real, we curate remote jobs available for Africans to apply within Africa or globally. The remote jobs we publish are curated from over a thousand companies globally.

Why do we charge for it?
To be able to provide this service and cover our costs we charge a subscription fee.
To be able to provide this service we incur costs for things like server, software, personnel etc. The subcription fee enable us cover our costs.

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