How Aduke, a content writer, went from earning $30 to $2,000.

A female remote content writer and remote worker

R4A: To get started, can you share your path into content writing? Was it your initial career choice, or did you discover it through other experiences?

Aduke: Content writing was not my initial career choice. I always thought I could just make money from my short story. Back in school, like 300 level, I looked for ways  to start making money from my short stories, until someone told me to try my hands in content writing. Like a lot of people, I opened a Fiverr account, thinkingnI would start making mad money immediately. I was wrong. Till today, I don’t think I earned one dollar from that account. Infact, the person who opened the account said to me “I doubt you will ever make money from this account” and I felt insulted with the tone he used and never bothered. A part of me held on to those words, and till I finished school, I did not try to do anything about it. I just kept on writing my short stories.

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R4A: Reflecting on your first remote content writing job, what stands out? How did you secure that opportunity, and what were the key takeaways from it?

Aduke: After the whole fiverr thing and the attempt to monetize my writing skill. I was done with school around 2020. As a fresh graduate, I was speaking with a friend and telling him about my situation, he told me about Upwork. He opened an Upwork to me and told me to send proposals. It was a 10 dollar job and I was to write about some Apps. I worked with the client for two weeks and gained 30 dollars in total.

R4A: Finding remote work can be quite a journey. Could you describe the process of securing your first remote job? Were there specific strategies or steps you found effective?

Aduke: Securing remote jobs can be stressful, but what has worked for me has to be the people around me, Networking. From the guy who opened my fiverr account, to friends who referred me.

R4A: Working remotely from Africa presents its unique set of challenges and advantages. What aspects of remote content writing do you find particularly rewarding, and conversely, what areas do you struggle with?

Aduke: What I find particularly  rewarding about working remotely is the fact that I can be anywhere and so long as I have my gadgets and stable electricity, I am fine. My movement is not restricted in any way, I struggle with Discipline.

R4A: Speaking of challenges, could you share specific instances where you faced obstacles while working remotely? How did you address and resolve these challenges?

Aduke: The major challenge has to do with electricity and the network.  My laptop went off on the first day of my onboarding at the current company I work at. The generator would not come on, I was so confused, angry and scared. Luckily, my team lead was understanding, so I reached out and explained my situation. I just had to join the meeting through my phone. Other instances would be my network suddenly tripping off. In resolving the challenges, I got another network. In cases where one network trips off, I can rely on the other and the issue with the electricity, I had to get solar, and I think I have been able to solve 90% of my remote work challenge.

R4A: Shed some light on your daily routine. What does a typical remote workday look like for you, and do you follow any daily rituals or habits that enhance your productivity and foster connections with your remote team?

Aduke: I work four times a week and Some work days are different from the rest. For example, Mondays are my off-days, but I tend to work on some days. I try to wake up early, although I tend to skip breakfast, freshen up and get on my laptop, and there are also days when I do not even open my laptop till 8am. I notice that when I start work early, I tend to finish up early. We have Tuesdays as a team bonding activity, and once in a  month, we have a time to speak on things that do not relate with work just to help with team bonding

R4A: If possible, can you tell us how much you earn on average, annually as a remote content writer.

Aduke: I can't specify annually, but monthly, it is between $1,500 to 2,000 dollars.

R4A: The journey of securing a remote job in Africa can be a memorable experience. Could you share your own experience during the remote job search process? Are there any standout moments you'd like to highlight?

Aduke: After a few freelance jobs here and there, I tried so hard. I was always on LinkedIn posting valuable content, trying to take courses to improve my skills. It wasn't easy and I got a job when I wasn't expecting and the journey was tedious. I don’t wish the stress of job searching on my worst enemy.

R4A: As a content writer and remote worker, digital tools and platforms play a significant role. What are some of your preferred tools or platforms that have been instrumental in your success?

Aduke: I recommend LinkedIn and Upwork as the best platforms. My favorites, my guys when it comes to digital tools; Google docs, Grammarly, ChatGPT.

R4A: Job hunting is a learning experience in itself. What valuable lessons have you gained during your job search, as a content writer in Africa, and what advice would you offer to fellow aspiring remote workers in Africa embarking on a similar path?

Aduke: Everything good will come. When it feels like you have been sending thousands of job applications, and it seems like nothing tio coming through, just know it is a phase. I would advise you not to stop, it was a night when I was about to give up that I sent the application. I wasn't expecting a response, but I received a response a week later, I had a test and BOOM! I GOT IT. It might sound cliche, but believe in yourself.

Life of a Remote Worker is an interview series  that follows African remote workers  in a one-on-one conversation about the challenges, thrills and daily lives of remote work.