Advice: The Best Way to Get a Job in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa etc

Advice: The Best Way to Get a Job in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa etc
find a job in nigeria

Someone asked a question - what is the best way to get a job in Nigeria? Here's our answer to the question. This is applicable for anyone living in any African country as well - Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana etc. We kept it as simple as we could.

We have worked at and co-founded companies in the recruitment space for close to 10 years so here are some practical nuggets we can share about the best ways or tips to get a job in Nigeria.

Always be specific about the type of job you want to get.

You cannot be a jack of all trades. If for eg you are focused on content writing/creation, UI/UI design, technical writing, product management, accounting jobs etc it then helps to narrow everything you do towards that. So the first thing is narrow down your areas of job search interest. What kind of job(s) would you like to do, what kind of job(s) do you have the skills, experience for?

Invest in a proper CV/resume.

Your CV/resume is your sales man in your absence. A good CV, tailored to the type of job you apply for will ensure you at least get considered for an interview where you can prove yourself more. Check CVHack to review your CV and or build a better one

Research the kind of roles you are interested in and make a list of all the major requirements from different employers.

Have all these key requirements (skills, tools you should know how to use etc) in a spreadsheet. Then in the next column rate or mark the ones you have. I call this the Employability Analysis. You want to know if you have at least 50% of the things employers usually want or ask for. If you are too deficient in your employability analysis then you can take more trainings, courses, do volunteer jobs to get more experience etc.

Have a list of job sources you check periodically so you can know about relevant vacancies and apply immediately.

While job hunting you have to treat it like serious business. Curate a list of serious job sites that list the type of jobs you are interested in, sign up for their email alerts (select categories you are interested in if possible). This way you get notified of new vacancies so you can quickly go and apply.

Consider remote jobs.

Unless for some reasons you are not open to working remotely, searching for remote jobs can be the difference for you. You get a job that lets you work from home. Your job search is not limited to only opportunities within your primary location. If you are in Africa check - Find Top Remote Jobs in Africa

Use LinkedIn.

It's a major source of jobs as recruiters regularly post their vacancies there. Use the search filters to get the type of jobs in the locations you have interest. Enter the job keywords eg product manager, ui design etc and select 'remote' if you are only looking for remote jobs. By default LinkedIn should show you jobs hiring in your area/country posted by recruiters.

Use social media smartly.

Find and follow people (CEOs, Managers, Recruiters etc) who post openings on your areas of interest). Engage respectfully, ask to send your CV. Share insightful information in your field and you might get noticed.

Be Proactive

Make a list of companies that hire at least once or twice a year in your field and check their career pages. Find out the hiring managers or heads of the relevant unit. Prepare and send a very short brief about you and what you can do to contribute to the company's growth. End with stating that you would like to be considered whenever relevant openings come up.

Be persistent and consistent.

Network. Engage. Apply. Keep at it. Review your progress, make changes where necessary. Keep track of all the jobs you apply for. Sooner than later you will get a decent job.

That's all there is to it. If you live in Africa and looking for a remote job please join Africa's growing community for remote work