Is an Interview Follow up Necessary? Tips to Follow up after Interview

Is an Interview Follow up Necessary? Tips to Follow up after Interview
how to follow up after interview

We have an often asked question from jobseekers/candidates - whether it is ok or even necessary to follow up after an interview?

The Fundamental Situation Where Follow Up May Be Necessary or Helpful

A lot of today's job search advice always include that the candidate should follow after an interview. However we have to establish something first.

If your interview did not impress the prospective employer/recruiter, following up with a thank you note etc will hardly change the situation for you. So everything follows from having a strong interview.

If you have a good showing at an interview for a role that is likely competitive then following up post interview may be a little bit necessary or helpful in some instances.

Post Interview Follow Up as a Way to Keep You Top of Their Mind

So, all things being equal and you did well in an interview (you usually know from the atmosphere and body language of the interviewers if you impressed) the next thing is what do you do that reinforces you as a viable candidate for their organisation?

The few days after an interview the employer is likely either still interviewing other candidates (if there are a lot of people to be interviewed) or already reviewing the interview performances with a view to further narrowing down to a shortlist for the next or finalising stages.

Following up with the interviewers keep you top of their mind (especially with your strong performance in the interview).

This does not guarantee anything but it at least makes a case for you as someone with decent communication and follow up skills which may help in some roles.

The Two Stages of Post Interview Follow Up You Can Do

Thank You Note

This is basically a brief email you send to the interviewers/employer/recruiter after the interview, thanking them for the opportunity to discuss their goals/plan for the role. You end with stating that you enjoyed the interview and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the organisation's growth.

Don't expect a response to your thank you email. You may or may not get one, totally depends on the recipient and the organisation.

When You've not Heard Back

Whether you took part in a one stage or multi stage interviewing process, what should you do if you have not heard back after a few weeks?

Organisations have differing hiring processes. Some are pretty quick in wrapping up and shortlisting candidates to hire, while for larger organisations (usually) it may take longer periods to conclude hiring positions. There are organisations that take months to conclude hiring for a role!

You can wait a week or two and then reach out if you've not got any communication from them after an interview. If you don't get a response then it's better to be silent and wait. Hiring times/processes differ for organisations and if you're considered they'll eventually get in touch. I've known organisations who got back to a candidates months after the final interview!

Tips for Post Interview Follow Up

  • Don't bombard the recruiter/employer with several messages after your interview. Usually a thank you/looking forward to engage or work with you kind of email will do. You should do this within 2 days after the day.
  • In your email be specific about the job you interviewed for, the time/date of the interview  
  • If possible always find out from the interview (during the interview) whether it is ok to reach out after sometime if you've not heard from them.

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