Applying for Content Writing remote jobs? 5 Mistakes You Should Avoid

Applying for Content Writing remote jobs? 5 Mistakes You Should Avoid
content writing remote job application

Getting a remote content writing job can be very competitive. So you can do without these mistakes that lots of applicants make. If you can avoid these mistakes when applying to remote content writing/marketing jobs you will already be ahead of most people.

After helping dozens of companies hire remote content writers here are some of the more devastating mistakes we find from applicants. Be sure to note them and follow the tips to avoid making them.

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Not creating a writer profile online

This should the most obvious thing you should never lack - an easily accessible online profile that showcases your strengths, skills, experience etc as a content writer. You can use any of the free profile/about sites to create a neat profile online that you can easily use in your CV and job applications.

Some of the websites you can use to create a free writer profile include;,, etc.

Sharing google drive of your articles with no view permission.

We come across this simple mistake a lot of times. Candidates share google drive links of their sample work but when an employer clicks to open and view them they discover it is not to view (the candidate did not give permission for someone esle to view the files/documents). This will frustrate any recruiter/employer if they cannot view the shared drive. So if you are going to share a drive link to your work be sure you set the permission to enable anyone with the link to view.

The only way a prospective employer will be able to evaluate your writing may be to see samples of your work. In this digital age, if you are content writer you have no excuse not to have samples of your work online. You should be able to organise, store some of your writing online, even if you do mostly ghostwriting.  

Here are some ways or places you can have your writings hosted online at no cost to you

  • LinkedIn: On your Linkedin account you can write long articles as posts
  • Medium: Medium is a writing platform for anyone. You can create a free account and host your writings there
  • Substack: You can open a free substack and write a free newsletter. Your substack account will also host them as articles that anyone with the link to your substack can view
  • Wordpress: You can set up a free Wordpress blog to host some of your writings

Claiming all your works can not be divulged due to one reason or the other.

Even if you mostly ghostwrite or do work for clients/employers who forbid you using any of the articles or content as sample of your work you should still make use of some of the above mentioned free platforms to create and host some original content that you own full copyright to. This way you can point to some of those sample content in your CV or portfolio. Simply telling the employer you have no sample writing to show because all your previous writing are bound by confidentiality agreements only indicates laziness.

If prospective employers find it frustrating to access your written content they will likely abandon the process and not consider you for the role. Make sure the website links you share in your application are popup and spam free.