15 Sales Interview Questions and Sample Answers

15 Sales Interview Questions and Sample Answers
tough sales interview questions and best answers

Imagine stepping into a sales interview armed with a magic mirror predicting every question the hiring manager will throw your way. That's wishful thinking though. We can however offer you something just about as nice: a tactical breakdown of 15 commonly asked sales interview questions.

We’ll also provide sample answers and expert guidance to help you craft compelling responses that will set you apart.

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How to Get Ready for a Sales Interview

Cracking the code for a perfect sales interview really isn't straightforward: there's no one-size-fits-all blueprint for success. Even though generic question lists might offer some guidance, they can't fully capture the nuances of each role. However, by understanding key areas of focus, which include product knowledge, sales methodologies, and customer-centric mindset, you can significantly enhance your interview preparation.

15 Common Sales Interview Questions

1. Tell me about yourself

You can almost never miss this question. Be prepared to concisely highlight your relevant skills and achievements.

“Right now, I’m a sales representative at Amazon, where I oversee key client accounts. Previously, I spent about 2 years interning with LG, focusing on consumer electronic sales. In my free time, I enjoy attending industry conferences to stay updated on market trends and sharpen my skills – I consider that my hobby. I’ve been a salesperson for 4 years now, and I have a passion for smartphone reviews, which has led me to your company.”

You can explore other “Tell me about yourself” responses here.

2. Why are you interested in this position?

Show your enthusiasm for the role and company by aligning your goals with their mission.

“I love Android smartphones. I spend hours watching smartphone reviews and I enjoy telling my friends about the latest CPU and AI features embedded. An opportunity to work with your company will sandwich my passionate enthusiasm with my career, and I’m certain I will do very well at it. Also, your company's innovative products and strong brand reputation are very much appealing.”

3. What do you know about our company?

You need to know about the company’s products, brand voice, or core values. Here’s a sample:

“Your company's 5-year history of making smartphones with the best cameras is a testament to its expertise in delivering the best software. I'm particularly impressed by your specialization in computational photography which has seamlessly accommodated the new 50 MP sensors on the pixels. I want to sell this!”

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

“My greatest strength is my ability to build rapport with people quickly. I believe strong relationships are the foundation of successful sales. I'm also very results-oriented and I thrive in a competitive environment. As for weaknesses, I can sometimes be too focused on the details, which can slow things down. However, I'm improving my time management to balance attention to detail with overall efficiency."

5. Describe your ideal sales process.

"First off, thorough research, to understand the customer's needs and pain points. I believe in building trust and rapport, so I focus on active listening and asking insightful questions. Once I've identified the customer's needs, I present a tailored solution that highlights the benefits of our product. Finally, I guide the customer through the buying process, providing excellent customer service throughout."

This is a simple reply that captures comprehensively, the sales cycle.

6. Tell me about a time you failed to meet a sales quota. What did you learn from the experience?

“There was a time back then when I was interning with LG where I fell short of my sales quota because of tough competition from Hisense – they were offering everything cheaper! Wasn’t the loveliest experience but to cut a long story short, I had to improvise. I learned the SPIN selling method and it was a game-changer for me. I realized the importance of adapting my sales strategy to changing market conditions and I also realized the value of building a strong pipeline and focusing on quality over quantity. By implementing these changes, I was able to exceed my quota in the following quarter.”

7. How do you handle objections?

“Objections are just speed bumps on the road to a sale. I love a good challenge, and objections are like puzzles to me. I listen carefully, empathize with the customer's point of view, and then work my magic to turn those frowns upside down using the SPIN selling method, as well as PAS – whichever I’m able to integrate into the conversation. It's all about finding the right angle and showing the customer why they can't live without our product.”

8. Tell me about a time you successfully closed a difficult deal

“I remember one time with LG when we wanted to sell a 1.5hp air conditioner. The customer was very, very picky – I would call him a complex buyer! But I saw it as a challenge. With the right questions, I uncovered his hidden desires and presented a solution that was so irresistible, he couldn't say no. It was like hitting the bullseye.”

9. What motivates you to succeed in sales?

Here’s a short, sarcastic, but intelligent answer:

Money. But seriously, I love the high-energy, fast-paced world of sales. It's full of ups and downs, but always exciting. Plus, there's nothing quite like the feeling of closing a deal and knowing you've made someone's day, and well, your supervisor’s month.

10. How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends?

“I'm always on the lookout for what's hot and what's not, staying ahead of the game. I browse industry blogs, attend webinars, and connect with other sales champs on social media. Plus, I'm not afraid to try out new products myself. It's all about being a trendsetter, not a trend-follower.”

11. How do you handle a difficult or irate customer?

This question seeks to assess your patience and customer relationship management skills. 

“I had an experience with a customer who had a faulty charging port on the Kindle she had bought two weeks ago. She came to complain about us selling a faulty unit. I began by actively listening to her concerns to fully understand her perspective. After that, I tried to de-escalate the situation by empathizing with her frustration and offering solutions that addressed her needs, maintaining a calm and professional demeanour throughout the interaction. She left satisfied, and the warranty covered the repairs.”

12. How do you handle rejection?

“Rejection is just another word for redirection – it's part of the game, and honestly, it makes the wins even more worth it. I analyse what went wrong, learn from it, and then move on to the next challenge. Plus, a little rejection keeps you humble and hungry for redemption.”

13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

“In five years, I see myself as a key contributor to Samsung’s growth. I aim to take on increasing responsibilities, potentially leading a high-performing sales team, and I'm eager to develop my skills and knowledge to become a valuable asset to the organization.”

14. How do you balance the need to close a deal with building long-term customer relationships?

 “It's all about finding that sweet spot between closing the deal and keeping the customer coming back for more. I see every sale as the start of a beautiful friendship. It's like baking a cake – you need the right ingredients which are product knowledge, and persuasion, but you also need the secret ingredient which is genuine care for the customer.

15. What does success mean to you?

“Success to me is a blend of personal and professional growth. Professionally, it's about achieving consistent results, building strong client relationships, and contributing meaningfully to my company's goals. Personally, it's about continuous learning, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and feeling fulfilled in my role.”

Landing that dream sales job is all about preparation and confidence. By understanding common interview questions and preparing compelling answers, you'll be well on your way to acing your next interview. As a recruiter, armed with these common sales interview questions, you can effectively evaluate potential candidates and gain insights into their sales abilities.

In all, authenticity and enthusiasm are key.